Next step in FBA Campaign
The Free Babar Ahmad campaign is encouraging supporters to contact their MPs to ensure they attend the full parliamentary debate on extradition that has been listed for Monday 5 December 2011 and vote to change the law.
The Free Babar Ahmad campaign is encouraging supporters to contact their MPs to ensure they attend the full parliamentary debate on extradition that has been listed for Monday 5 December 2011 and vote to change the law.
Babar Ahmad has been refused a debate on his case in the House of Commons.
Make contact with your MP to ask for a full Commons debate on the Barbar Ahmed’s extradition case.
Over 100,000 people in Britain have now signed an official e-petition urging the government to put British detainee Babar Ahmad on trial in the UK, instead of extraditing him to the US.
There are some 45 homeless Palestinian refugees living on the cold streets of Oslo, Norway.
IHRC publishes its latest briefing on the continued discriminatory use of Schedule 7 by the UK Home Office.
IHRC’s latest briefing regarding continued discriminatory use of Schedule 7 by the UK Home Office.
IHRC’s response to Prime Minister David Cameron’s speech on Immigration.
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