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IHRC welcomes UN statement on protecting right to protest and dissent

IHRC welcomes the statement of the United Nations calling on states to respect and enable the rights of everyone to freedom of peaceful assembly, association and expression. The statement is a direct response to the alarming level of repression by many state authorities of the


Complaint to Charity Commission re UK Toremet

IHRC wrote to the Charity Commission on 19 January 2024 regarding fundraising for the Israeli Defense Forces being facilitated by a UK based charity, UK Toremet (charity registration number 1140972). The text of the letter is pasted below. We are compelled to write to you

Government will face legal action if it bans Palestine flag

Civil society organisations in the UK have written to the government warning it that any attempt to ban the Palestine flag will be met with an immediate challenge in the courts. The letter, signed by 10 organisations, threatens the legal action if the government goes

Muslim organisations targeted by cancel culture

Muslim organisations have been the canary in the coal mine for a vicious brand of cancel politics being waged by the neo-liberal establishment, argues Faisal Bodi   Britain’s ranking in the third tier of a global index of freedom of expression by Index on Censorship