PRESS RELEASE – UK: London stop and search policing drive must have greater accountability
Statistics show that Black and Asian people are more likely to be stopped by police than white people (8 times more likely for a black person).
Statistics show that Black and Asian people are more likely to be stopped by police than white people (8 times more likely for a black person).
The problems thrown up by stop and search have been known for many years to officials and communities
Of the 4,997 people referred to Prevent for “Islamic extremism” 1,504 were children under the age of 15
[30 July 2024] It will soon be 10 years since publication of Environment of Hate: The New Normal for Muslims in the UK. This seminal work on Islamophobia analysed the intersection between anti-Muslim hatred, nation building and suppressing dissent. Find out more and order a
Lee Jasper on Trevor Phillips’ recent documentary – ‘Things We Won’t Say About Race That Are True’
Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill passed into law today – giving government disturbing powers
This new Bill will erode civil liberties and turn the UK into a police state.
Next workshop is on 2 December at 6.30pm
+44 208 904 4222
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