Combatting Islamophobia in the EU
EU institutions should play a leading role in shaping policies to fight Islamophobia. The IHRC-EU team works to influence key decision makers to ensure that EU policies combatting anti-Muslim hatred and all forms of racism have a far reaching, positive impact on the lives of those most affected.
Our work spans numerous policy areas including employment, hate crime, hate speech, institutional islamophobia, immigration, security and counter-terrorism law, and Islamophobia in the media.
IHRC contributions at the EU level include:
— Meeting with the special representative for Muslim communities for the S&D, Green and GUE/NGL Political Groups in the European Parliament
— Engaging with the European Parliament’s Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI) and various Committees in the Parliament
— Producing policy documents and recommendations undertaking state of the art research on countering Islamophobia in the EU, as well as country specific reports on the Germany, France, Italy, Austria and the UK.
— Producing thematic reports on Islamophobia e.g. on the unlawfulness of Hijab bans, racism in immigration law and policy, civil rights violations due to anti-terrorism laws etc.
— Network-building activities with partners in EU countries developing new campaigns and strengthening critical mass (Wise4All Project).
Find Out more
Find out more about our work by clicking on the links below.
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