Open letter to WSJ for endorsing murder of Iranian scientist
S. Mohamed Idris reflects on the rhetoric of war
S. Mohamed Idris reflects on the rhetoric of war
Dr Abdul Wahid reflects on 10 years of the US camp
Arzu Merali looks at the significance of the notorious prison camp
Bilal Cleland discusses the Ottoman roots of European tolerance.
Response of Houria Bouteldja to third meetings on Immigration, Créteil November 26, 2011
Tom Burghardt analyses US manoeuverings over Iran
[Bahrain Freedom Movement 3 Dec 2011] Bahraini opposition have been outraged by the tactics of deception adopted by the Al Khalifa clan as they continue to divert attention away from their crimes and the people’s calls for their downfall from power.
Anyone who followed Twitter during last week’s BBC Question Time would have seen a barrage of criticism four letter insults towards one of the panelists after a question to the panel on Syria.
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