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Gaza – One Year On

Gaza – the word that will forever remain etched in the hearts and minds of generations upon generations of people all over the world. 
Jennifer Loewenstein at IHRC's conference 'Human Rights and Israel at 60', 2008

Nightmares – How Gaza offends us all

Jennifer Loewenstein brilliantly illustrates the horrors of living under fire and portrays the Palestinians of Gaza as a people abandoned by the world to the murderous Israeli occupation, but whose will to resist strengthens with each atrocity committed against them.

Citizen Ali


Arzu Merali looks at the doublespeak relating to Muslims and citizensip in the UK.

Muslims in 21st Century Britain: Assimilation or Extermination?

Basic Islamic principles and values of both a personal and political nature are being demonised and stigmatised to such an extent that the very definition of the word ‘Islam’ is at stake. Such an ostensible loathing for ‘the Other’ must not be seen as assimilation but extermination in the same way it was seen in Nazi Europe, Rwanda and the Balkans, argues Fahad Ansari.