No Coincidences
Sanja Bilic remembers the Srebrenica genocide in 1995 and asks why so many complicit in it are still free?
Sanja Bilic remembers the Srebrenica genocide in 1995 and asks why so many complicit in it are still free?
With a general election looming in the UK, Arzu Merali overviews the findings of the IHRC research project British Muslims’ Expectations of the Government (BMEG), and asks where the ideal of effective citizenship has gone?
From Cultures of Resistance, Volume 1, Issue 1
Jennifer Loewenstein brilliantly illustrates the horrors of living under fire and portrays the Palestinians of Gaza as a people abandoned by the world to the murderous Israeli occupation, but whose will to resist strengthens with each atrocity committed against them.
Polarisation in social opinions about Muslims are driving isolation, argues IHRC’s Massoud Shadjareh.
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