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I would rather die than be complicit in apartheid

Today the hearing resumes of an Israeli conscientious objector appealing a decision to deny him asylum in Britain. Here, in his own words, is why he cannot go back to Israel. Throughout my life, I have struggled with my identity as a Jew with my

Letter to Bristol University re David Miller dismissal

Professor Hugh Brady Vice-Chancellor and President University of Bristol 11 October 2021 Re: Dismissal of Professor David Miller Dear Professor Brady, We, the undersigned, are writing to protest in the strongest possible terms your decision to sack Prof David Miller. Prof Miller’s dismissal followed a

IHRC statement of support for Craig Murray

As he continues to languish in prison, IHRC would like to extend its wholehearted support to Craig Murray for the outstanding work he has done over the years in exposing the injustices and crimes carried out by states and officials the world over. As a

Death of Amirali Pyarali Merali Hashim

Inna lilla wa inna ilayhi rajioun: Amirali Pyarali Merali Hashim ‘[But] you, soul at peace: return to your Lord well pleased and well pleasing; So, enter among My (special) servants, and into My Garden.’ Q89:27-30 IHRC is saddened by the news of the passing of

Letter to schools to resist intimidation and gaslighting over Palestine support

Dear Head Teachers and School Leaders, Children’s education needs free debate on Israel-Palestine: stop the intimidation There have been many complaints from parents that their children have been reprimanded at school after making simple comments about Palestine, saying ‘Free Palestine’, wearing a Free Palestine badge

COVID-19 Hits Kaduna Prison, As My Mother Tested Positive

A heartfelt call from Mohammed Ibraheem Zakzaky 6 days ago after a routine visit to the Kaduna State prison by my parent’s doctors, my mother complained of fatigue, fever and a complete loss of the ability to smell. The doctors decided to carry out a

Murder by drone: killing with impunity Western style

Massoud Shadjareh, chairman of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, says that the West’s use of drones to murder their political foes needs to be challenged so that politicians can no longer kill with impunity. January 3 marks the first anniversary of the extra-judicial execution of