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A Time for Apples and Horses: Let’s Stop Excusing Borat

This tweet from the Decolonial Atlas made my day. Two of history’s most consequential events were the domestications of the horse and the apple. Both happened in Kazakhstan. Maps: Naibin Duan, Brittanica — The Decolonial Atlas (@decolonialatlas) October 27, 2020 No commentary added.  No

IPSO needs to revise its code

IHRC is disappointed in IPSO’s ruling regarding Andrew Norfolk’s attacks on IHRC published in The Times last year.  The IPSO code continues to fail communities, groups and organisations from the impact of discrimination and discriminatory reporting that uses racist tropes.  We hope that future reviews


8 Theses on USA Imperialism and Anti-Imperialist Struggles in the 21st Century

Professor Ramón Grosfoguel’s latest essay looks at the possible scenarios that confront the anti-imperialist and decolonial struggles vis a vis the USA, its upcoming elections and its ongoing imperial decline. Overviewing 8 scenario / theses on the impact of different presidencies, the attacks on anti-imperial

Pro-Israel black-ops against activists must be condemned

The unmasking of a pro-Israel activist masquerading as an online anti-Semite has thrown a spotlight once again on the ‘black ops’ propaganda arm of Zionist activism.  Massoud Shadjareh discusses the need for this type of behaviour and organisation to be exposed and delegitimised. Edward Sutherland,

ILWIIR: Mehmet Ali Tekin

Inna lilla wa inna ilayhi rajioun IHRC is saddened to hear of the death of Mehmet Ali Tekin.  He died of a heart attack in Istanbul today.  Tekin was a journalist and an editor at Selam newspaper in Istanbul during the 1990s and 2000s when

ILWIIR: Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Taskhiri

The death of Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Taskhiri is a great loss to the Islamic world. He died of a heart attack today in Tehran, aged 76 years. He was known to many scholars and activists throughout the world as the secretary general of the World

ILWILR: Fuad Nahdi

Inna Lilla wa inna Ilayhi Rajioun – To God we belong and to God we Return IHRC is saddened by the news of the passing of Fuad Nahdi in London, UK today. May Allah swt bless and forgive him, and grant his family and friends