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ILWILR: Muhsin Jak Kilby

Inna Lilla wa inna Ilayhi Rajioun – To God we belong and to God we Return Brother Mushin was a unique and inspirational figure in the Muslim world. Incredibly humble, he never sought accolade for his body of work that spanned decades, genres and continents

Mohammad Zakzaky statement

[9 December 2019]Statement from Mohammad El-Zakzaky, son of Sheikh Ibrahim El-Zakzaky and Mallima Zeena. To campaign for justice for the Sheikh and Mallima and ongoing issues in Nigeria, please visit and bookmark the campaign page here. Mohammad Zakzaky’s statement: I am writing to protest in

Professor Gus John’s resignation from C of E body – full documents

Esteemed academic Professor Gus John resigned last week from a Church of England advisory body in response to the Archbishop of Canterbury’s support for Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvi’s intervention in The Times calling on Jews not to vote for Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party.

Demand for an apology and clarification from The Times

IHRC has had sight of an email from the Islamic Human Rights Commission Trust chair to The Times dated today 10 October 2019.  The email demands the issuing of an apology regarding the misleading story about IHRCT that claims it is “taxpayer funded”.  Inter alia

On The Times, Andrew Norfolk and the Paucity of Power

In reference to The Times reporting and leading comment regarding IHRC on 10 October 2019, IHRC stated: It matters little that e.g. the charity that gives its money to IHRC is in fact the charitable arm of IHRC registered under the direction and full supervision

Thinking on the meaning of Muharram – what can we do?

The holy Islamic month of Muharram provides an opportunity for Muslims to reflect on the huge sacrifice made by Husayn ibn Ali in order to maintain the high standards of justice and leadership established for the ummah by his grandfather, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).