IHRC Report on Bangladesh
IHRC report on the implementation of the international covenant on civil and political rights in Bangladesh
IHRC report on the implementation of the international covenant on civil and political rights in Bangladesh
The Forgotten Genocide has been screened nation wide from Southampton to Edinburgh to various other cities.ÂÂ
If you are interested in organising a screening for the Forgotten Genocide please do not hesitate to contact research@ihrc.org and we would be glad to assist.ÂÂ
We would be happy to assist in international screenings also.ÂÂ
Forwarded press release from Scotland Against Criminalising Communities on the screening of ‘Forgotten Genocide’
Arzu Merali reflects on the recent memorialisation of Srebrenica and the loss of its historical context.
Arzu Merali reflects on the recent memorialisation of Srebrenica and the loss of its historical context.
Some reflections on the occasion of Genocide Memorial Day from Michel Warschawski
Forwarded press release from Citizens International on the systematic persecution of the Muslim minority including the Rohingya in Myanmar
Comment piece on Myanmar by Yaseen Omar, UK based commentator.
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