Crimes Against Humanity

Myanmar – Demand Justice for the Rohingya

Background 6 years ago today, August 25th 2017, the Myanmar military launched its largest campaign of atrocities against the Rohingya to date, turning what had been an already oppressive situation for the mainly Muslim minority in Arakan, into a genocide. Whilst the killing of men,

IHRC refutes scurrilous complaint by pro-Israel lawyers’ group

IHRC strongly condemns the complaint made by the pro-Zionist and pro-apartheid UK Lawyers for Israel to the Charity Commission that IHRC Trust has breached its charitable status and engaged in anti-Semitic activity. The letter to the charity watchdog of England and Wales accuses IHRC Trust

Pro-Palestine rally in London set to attract thousands

Thousands of protestors are expected to turn out next month for a mass rally in London against the continued occupation of Palestine. The annual Al-Quds Day rally will take place as one of the most extremist governments ever seen in Israel wages a largely unreported

Resist Hindutva Ideology in India and UK

Background Action required Template Letters Recipients Address   Background In October 2022, The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) an Indian right-wing, Hindu nationalist, paramilitary group held a conference which included prominent Hindu priests, and MPs of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). At this conference, prominent

Demand Liz Truss Doesn’t Move Embassy To Jerusalem

Background Action required Template Letter Recipients Address   Background Liz Truss has only been in power for a few weeks, but already she has shown herself to be more racist than her predecessor. At a meeting organised by the Conservative Friends of Israel on the

Oppose the Blockade on Shuafat Refugee Camp

Background Action Required Address and Time   Background The Shuafat Refugee Camp is the only Palestinian refugee camp within Quds and houses refugees who fled the Nakba and their descendants. These people have been put under a brutal siege after a soldier was killed in

Oral Statement on the Negative Impact of the Legacies of Colonialism

Oral Statement on the Negative Impact of the Legacies of Colonialism on the Enjoyment of Human Rights 51st Session Human Rights Council, 28 September 2022 Agenda Item 3, Promotion and protection of human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to