The 33 Day War, Summer 2006
IHRC sent observers to Lebanon to see the aftermath of the 33 Day War (Lebanon – Israel)
IHRC sent observers to Lebanon to see the aftermath of the 33 Day War (Lebanon – Israel)
Vigil in Parliament Square Friday 30 th June 2006 5:30 – 7pm.
A briefing on the recent Haditha massacres in Iraq and its implications.
The briefing discusses the nature of war crimes in relation to why 24 Iraqi civilians were killed, and who can be held responsible.
Historical analysis of accountability for war crimes in light of recent revelations of torture being committed by US troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay.
A historical analysis of accountability for war crimes in light of the recent revelations of widespread and systematic torture being committed by US troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay.
Since the War on Iraq began on 20 March 2003, concerns have been raised with regards to the treatment of Prisoners of War (POW) by both sides to the conflict.
Perpetrators safe in the knowledge that the international community will not bring them to account have committed some of the worst crimes of modern times.
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