41. Decolonial economic theory: the experience of Russia
Decolonial economic theory: the experience of Russia. Keywords: Russia, Liberal Economics, Marxism, Communism, Central Planning, Soviet Union, Capitalism, BRICS,
Decolonial economic theory: the experience of Russia. Keywords: Russia, Liberal Economics, Marxism, Communism, Central Planning, Soviet Union, Capitalism, BRICS,
The Economic Transformation of China Keywords: China, Poverty Alleviation, Socialism, Infrastructural Development, The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Marxism
How can we understand the economic problems of today with decolonial economic theory? Keywords: Economic Theory, Decoloniality, Eurocentric, Liberalism, Marxism,
The Bandung Dialogues with Imam Muhammad al-Asi: a discussion on religion and culture You can purchase Imam Asi’s books at the IHRC Bookshop here. Keywords: Islam, Decoloniality, Culture, Visual Art, Halal, Culture, Qur’an
What is decolonial theory? The future of the decolonial movement part 4: the problem of organization Keywords: Social Movement, Power, Marxism, Decoloniality, Universalism, Colonisation
What is decolonial theory? The future of the decolonial movement part 3: decoloniality and DTM Keywords: Decoloniality, Civilisation, Decolonial Theoretical Framework, Eurocentric,
What is decolonial theory? The future of the decolonial movement part 2: the theoretical frameworks of the European Enlightenment Keywords: Liberalism, Marxism, Decolonial Movement, Soviet Union, China, Venezuela, Bolivia, Decoloniality
What is decolonial theory? The future of the decolonial movement part 1: the problems of the decolonial movement You can read Sandew Hira’s article titled ‘My Journey from Marxism to Decolonial Theory’ in the Long View here. Keywords: Decolonial Movement, Marxism, Colonialism, Civilisation, Decoloniality,
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