Event Report: Author Evening with Dr Seyfeddin Kara: The Integrity of the Qur’an

Event Report: Author Evening with Dr Seyfeddin Kara: The Integrity of the Qur’an

IHRC were joined by Ramon Harvey and Dr Seyfeddin Kara to discuss Kara’s latest publication, The Integrity of the Qur’an: Sunni and Shi‘i Historical Narratives.

Watch the full conversation here:


The book, part of the Edinburgh Studies in Islamic Scripture and Theology series, examines historical narratives regarding the omission of certain Quranic verses. Dr. Kara explores both Sunni and Shia hadith traditions, investigating claims that some verses were lost after the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) death. His approach is driven by intellectual curiosity and the need to understand the textual history of the Quran.

A key methodological aspect of the book is its use of isnād-cum-matn analysis, a technique from biblical studies adapted for hadith scholarship. This method allows for a systematic tracing of hadith origins, seeking to establish historical reliability by comparing transmission chains and textual variations. Dr. Kara believes the isnād-cum-matn approach offers a more rigorous way to engage with hadith than traditional Muslim scholarly methods, which he sees as lacking systematic engagement.

The discussion also touches on broader trends in Islamic studies, particularly the shift from revisionist theories that placed Islam’s origins outside Arabia to newer approaches emphasising Islam’s roots within the Arabian monotheistic context. Dr. Kara highlights the Prophet’s (PBUH) role as an arbitrator and how this perspective helps contextualize legal and theological traditions, such as the stoning penalty in hadith literature. His book contributes to both academic and religious debates by bridging historical-critical methodologies with traditional Islamic scholarship.

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