Round table meeting on Ummah Unity – Universal Justice Network Conference 2011
Universal Justice Network conference, 02 and 03 July 2011, Penang Malaysia.
Universal Justice Network conference, 02 and 03 July 2011, Penang Malaysia.
Press Night for Mamade Kadreebux’s exhibition Voyage to the Unknown
Watch the IHRC, CAGE and Reprieve event below. On the tenth anniversary of Guantanamo Bay’s opening, CagePrisoners, Reprieve and the Islamic Human Rights Commission co-hosted an event in order to reflect on the impact of a decade on the lives of those in Guantanamo and
Kwame Nimako discussed his latest book ‘The Dutch Atlantic’ on Wednesday 19 October at IHRC bookshop.
IHRC marked Talha Ahsan’s five years without trial with a poetry reading from Ahsan’s book written in prison entitled ‘This be the Answer.’
An event hosted by the Islamic Human Rights Commission marking the launch of its latest report on the Muslim-Christian Roma Minorities of Bulgaria.
Towards the end of 1998, we decided to survey the extent of the problem, and devised a questionnaire to be distributed among the Muslim community. That questionnaire was distributed at the end of 1998 / beginning of 1999 and again at the end of 1999
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