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IHRC hold a variety of events for a wide audience base, from children’s books-based arts and crafts sessions and author evenings, to conferences on Islamophobia, and protests and vigils. 
We provide opportunities for new and upcoming authors & artists to be launched and promoted via our events. Our events are unique in nature where we have created a space for decolonial, religious, cultural, academic and political topics to be discussed. It also allows us to highlight the human rights and humanitarian work that we are carrying out in various parts of the world via our research, campaigns, and advocacy departments.  
To find out about future events or if you would like to hold an event with IHRC, please email 

Author Evening with Shaykh Hamid Mahmood: Our Fatima of Liverpool

Join IHRC for an exclusive author evening with Shaykh Hamid Mahmood, to discuss the book, Our Fatima of Liverpool: The Story of Fatima Cates, the Victorian woman who helped found British Islam –  purchase from the IHRC Bookshop. WHEN: Thursday 6, July 2023, 6.30pm BST

Event Report: Poetry Reading with Baraka Blue

On 16 May, IHRC held a poetry with reading with Baraka Blue as part of his UK tour promoting his latest book, The Art of Remembrance. WATCH THE POETRY READING:   This event was chaired by author and poet, Ustadh Rakin Niass.  Baraka Blue commenced

Author Evening with Hafsa Lodi and Mariah Idrissi: Modesty

Join us for an author evening with Hafsa Lodi, and guest speaker Mariah Idrissi, to discuss the book Modesty: A Fashion Paradox. This event will be chaired by Mariam Hakim (founder of Waw Stories). Purchase Modesty from the IHRC Bookshop. BOOK YOUR TICKETS TODAY! The

Poetry Reading with Baraka Blue: The Art of Remembrance

Join us for an evening of remembrance and reflection as Baraka reads poems from his new collection, The Art of Remembrance, interspersed with commentary about the great tradition of Islamic poetry and spirituality, as well as personal narrative from his journey. The poetry reading will be

Event Report: Author Evening with Mustafa Briggs 

IHRC were pleased to host an author evening with Ustadh Mustafa Briggs in February 2023 at the IHRC Bookshop. This event was hosted by Talha Ahsan. Purchase Beyond Bilal here. WATCH THE AUTHOR EVENING:   The conversation below has been edited for better readability. Talha

Quds Day 2023 Report

Before the event During the event After the event Pictures   Once again millions of people around the World turned out for marches and rallies for International al-Quds Day. This included marches in Gaza, UK, Yemen, Nigeria, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, United States, Canada, and Pakistan,