The Iron Wall
Tower Hamlets/Jenin Twinning Group & Bow Stop the War Coalition present a screening of: The Iron Wall
Tower Hamlets/Jenin Twinning Group & Bow Stop the War Coalition present a screening of: The Iron Wall
In a YouGov survey in August 2006 53% of those questioned felt that Islam and Muslims posed a threat to Western liberal democracy.
Want to learn about Islamophobia in Britain and maybe have some laughs?here’s a comedy night with some difference, and some serious content.
Know Your Rights… Know Your Duty work shop at London Metropolitan University
The Annual Al-Quds Day March is a time to reflect on the oppression of millions world-wide through the symbolism of Palestine.
Lord Rea invites journalists and friends to join in a Tribute to Anna Politkovskaya
International Health and Social Group has invited 4 legal experts 2 from Norway and 2 from UK. as guest speaker on family law relating to pakistanis in Norway and Europe.
Institute of Race Relations Conference
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