PRESS RELEASE: Event notice – The Annual Islamophobia Awards, 26th June 2004
IHRC’s annual fundraiser and spoof awards ceremony will take place this year on 26th June 2004.
IHRC’s annual fundraiser and spoof awards ceremony will take place this year on 26th June 2004.
Friends of Al-Aqsa has organised a one day international multi-faith
Come and learn your rights and give us your views. Speakers include: Massoud Shadjareh, Mudassar Arani, Raza Kazim and Imam Iqbal Awan.
Headlines February Issue of Return Review- Volume 8, Issue 2, February – 2004 PRC publishes a new study by: Mr. Siraj Sait. Reminder: PRC Conference in Berlin Dr. Azmi Bishara to talk at London Event organised by Arab Media Watch and the SOAS Palestine Society
Talk and question and answer session with IHRC Chair Massoud Shadjareh. Lunch will be served. Organised as part of Islam Awareness week by the Cambridge University Islamic Society.
A Seminar presented by Professor Scott Lucas of the University of Birmingham and Dr. Saied Reza Ameli of the University of Tehran. OPen discussion will follow.
Protest the continued closure by police of the North London Central Mosque and police briutality against Muslims in the UK.
Protests against the Hijab ban in French Schools.
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