IHRC UK EVENT: A discussion with Professor Hamid Algar, Monday 3rd June 2002
It is IHRC’s great honour to have Professor Hamid Algar address one of our meetings.
It is IHRC’s great honour to have Professor Hamid Algar address one of our meetings.
British children will be walking hand in hand in solidarity with children in Palestine. 212 children have been killed by Israeli forces since the start of the Al-Aqsa intifada.
March from Hyde Park to rally in Trafalgar Square:
A conference organised by the University of Leicester Islamic Society
to discuss the violations of Human Rights from the perspectives of the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism; Christianity; Islam.
The counterdemonstration is open to all peoples of conscience regardless of their background to peacefully and loudly oppose the racism, genocide and oppression of Zionism.
The following event has been targetted by pro-Zionist students. Please attend in numbers to voice your support for justice in the Middle East.
Silence is Consent: The Threat To The Ummah & The Call For Action
A look at the life of the revolutionary leader and scholar.
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