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IHRC hold a variety of events for a wide audience base, from children’s books-based arts and crafts sessions and author evenings, to conferences on Islamophobia, and protests and vigils. 
We provide opportunities for new and upcoming authors & artists to be launched and promoted via our events. Our events are unique in nature where we have created a space for decolonial, religious, cultural, academic and political topics to be discussed. It also allows us to highlight the human rights and humanitarian work that we are carrying out in various parts of the world via our research, campaigns, and advocacy departments.  
To find out about future events or if you would like to hold an event with IHRC, please email 

Event Report: Uniting to End Occupation – One State Solution

WATCH THE FULL WEBINAR HERE: Chaired by Nargess Moballeghi, IHRC held a webinar on Sunday 1 November 2020, ‘Uniting To End Occupation: One State Solution’, to discuss the subject of a One State solution for Palestine along supporting organisations: Scottish PSC BRICUP Inminds Human Rights

How Covid is being used to destroy our NHS

Join us for a discussion about how the UK government are using the Coronavirus as an excuse to push for full privatisation of health care in this country. WHEN: Thursday, 20 May 2021TIME: 6pm BST (GMT +1)WHERE: watch the event LIVE on, Facebook and YouTube Speakers: Dr Bob Gill (GP and producer

Ramadan Readings

Join IHRC for live children’s storytelling sessions during the holy month of Ramadan every Monday, Friday and Sunday at 11am BST (GMT+1).  WHEN:  Sunday 18 April Monday 19 April Friday 23 April Sunday 25 April Monday 26 April Friday 30 April Sunday 2 May Monday