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IHRC hold a variety of events for a wide audience base, from children’s books-based arts and crafts sessions and author evenings, to conferences on Islamophobia, and protests and vigils. 
We provide opportunities for new and upcoming authors & artists to be launched and promoted via our events. Our events are unique in nature where we have created a space for decolonial, religious, cultural, academic and political topics to be discussed. It also allows us to highlight the human rights and humanitarian work that we are carrying out in various parts of the world via our research, campaigns, and advocacy departments.  
To find out about future events or if you would like to hold an event with IHRC, please email 

Restrictions of Freedom of Religion and Belief in Europe

UN Side Event Monday 7th October 2024 12:00 – 13:00 (GMT+2), Room XXV Restrictions of Freedom of Religion and Belief in Europe Watch live on, watch and ask questions via Twitter @ihrc or Islamic Human Rights Commission on Facebook Panellists: Massoud Shadjareh Chair, Islamic

National Demonstration for Palestine and Lebanon

National Demonstration for Palestine and Lebanon Assemble at Russell Square Time: 12pm, Saturday 5th October 2024 Supporting organisations: Black Activists Rising Against Cuts UK, CAMPAIN, Convivencia Alliance, InMinds Human Rights Group, Islamic Human Rights Commission, Jewish Network for Palestine, Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK, &

Film Screening and Q&A: The Fisherman and the Banker

Join us for a film screening for the documentary, The Fisherman and the Banker, and a Q&A with director, Sheena Sumaria. IHRC are proud supporters of this documentary. Watch the trailer here. BOOK TICKETS WHEN: Wednesday, 25 September, 2024, 6pm BST WHERE: IHRC Bookshop (202

Event Report: Author Evening with Muadh Chati

On Friday, 13 September 2024, IHRC held an online author evening with Mufti Muadh Chati, author of the book An introduction to the Science of the Noble Hadith. The event was moderated by Ahmed Uddin. WATCH HERE: Mufti Muadh began the discussion by sharing why

Ocean Tales and Creative Crafts with Thalia S.A.: Mermaid Lagoon

Join us for an exciting day of storytelling and cupcake decorating with the talented and young author, Thalia S.A. Reading and taking inspiration from her book, Mermaid Lagoon, Thalia will gather book lovers and journey through magical adventures of mystery, friendship and determination. Purchase your