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IHRC hold a variety of events for a wide audience base, from children’s books-based arts and crafts sessions and author evenings, to conferences on Islamophobia, and protests and vigils. 
We provide opportunities for new and upcoming authors & artists to be launched and promoted via our events. Our events are unique in nature where we have created a space for decolonial, religious, cultural, academic and political topics to be discussed. It also allows us to highlight the human rights and humanitarian work that we are carrying out in various parts of the world via our research, campaigns, and advocacy departments.  
To find out about future events or if you would like to hold an event with IHRC, please email 

Author Evening with Muzzammil Al-Nadwi: Views on Womanhood

Join us for an evening discussion with Muzzammil Al-Nadwi, to delve into the book Views on Womanhood: A Translation and Reading of Mustafa Sabri Efendi’s (d. 1373/1954) Qawli fi ‘l-Mar’a. Views on Womanhood is co-translated by Muzzammil Al-Nadwi and Junayd Greer. Purchase Views on Womanhood

Quds Day 2024

The annual Quds Day Rally will be taking place on Friday 5th April at 3pm, outside the Home Office. 2 Marsham Street Westminster London SW1P 4DF   Current supporting organisations: 5Pillars, Ahlulbayt Islamic Mission, Ahlulbayt Sisters Association, Black Lives Matter Coalition UK, CAMPAIN, Convivencia Alliance,

CANCELLED – Eid Extravaganza: Children’s Storytelling Afternoon

This event has been cancelled. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please email for enquiries.    Join us for a special Eid-themed children’s storytelling event where imagination takes flight and creativity knows no bounds! Author and public speaking coach, Kosser Abdul Aziz, will be

Fly The Flag For Palestine 2024

#Flytheflag and #boycottapartheid campaign Due to popular demand we shall once again be doing a #FlyTheFlag and #boycottapartheid campaign where freedom seeking people from around the world raise the flag for Palestine in the last week before Quds Day. It is important to make sure