I urge you to write one email to Jack Fitzmier, the current institutional head of the AAR, jfitzmier@aarweb.org and demand the voice of Palestinian civil society and BDS be heard at AAR.
The American Academy of Religion (AAR) leadership has cancelled a panel on BDS, which Dr. Hatem Bazian was supposed to be part of as well as few others. The panel was scheduled for Sunday afternoon and the speakers opposing BDS withdraw the last minute thus pressuring the AAR to cancel it. The pro-BDS speakers all confirmed and made the needed plans to attend but AAR leadership caved-in and cancelled the panel and removed all names from the program. Censoring Palestine and BDS at the AAR is unacceptable, undemocratic and counter to the long history of religiously led BDS movements including Ghandhi, MLK and the ANC in South Africa.