Decolonial International Network and Vrede met Venezuela organized Genocide Memorial Day on Sunday January 19, 2020 at the Conference Centre IIRE, Amsterdam. The question of the theme was: “Is an economic boycott that leads to thousands of deaths a form of genocide?”.
Chairing the panel was Vrede met Venezuela’s Madeleine Klinkhamer and Sandew Hira from Decolonial International Network (DIN). The speaker of the event was Guillermo Barreto director of International Centre for the Study of Decolonization in Venezuela and former Vice-minister of Science and Technology in the Ministry of Popular Power for University Education, Science and Technology.
Mr Barreto opened his lecture with the following question: Unilateral Coercitive Measures
against Venezuela: A case for genocide? He explained to the audience what the different forms of economic boycott are, the effect of economic boycott on life expectancy of Venezuelans people, the consequences of economic boycott and what can be done.
To watch the video of the Amsterdam event, please view below or watch here.