IHRC demands deproscription of Hizbullah

IHRC demands deproscription of Hizbullah

When it is said to them: “Make not mischief on the earth,” they say: “Why, we only want to make peace!”

Unquestionably, they are the ones who make mischief, but they realise (it) not.

(Quran 2:11-12)


IHRC is calling on the UK and the EU to deproscribe the Lebanese political group Hizbullah, and to impose full sanctions on the Israeli entity.  The latest war crime by the Israeli regime that assassinated Syed Hassan Nasrallah, and unlawful killing of possibly thousands in the attack on the Dahiyeh district in Beirut last night is yet more evidence of the genocidal and supremacist intentions of the Zionist project.

The anti-terrorism regime in the UK and EU in its entirety, and the laws on proscription in particular, have fuelled dehumanising narratives that are directly implicated in the genocide currently underway in West Asia.

The fact that so many groups committed to the liberation of Palestine from colonial oppression are targeted through proscription laws simply underscores the UK and EU complicity in the supremacist violence and genocide.

Chair of IHRC, Massoud Shadjareh said:

“When the history of this period is written, and the downfall of the Israeli settler colonial state is charted, those who supported the genociders with materiel and vocal support, or a collusion of silence, will receive just as much opprobrium.  This is the last chance for those within the government structures of the UK and the EU to change their course or resign their positions.

“As for the dehumanisation of the resistance to oppression, the road to liberation is always paved with martyrs.  We have seen it in South Africa, in Vietnam and so many other places, as we are seeing in Palestine.”


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