Islamophobia 2024

Islamophobia 2024

Islamophobia Conference 2024

Gaza has brought into specific relief the forces that have mobilized in many Western countries to stifle and squash any expressions of solidarity with the Palestinians as well as any appeals to humanitarian measures and adherence to international law. Such forces have manifested themselves through political and legal/judicial means, but have also occurred in social/cultural and academic spaces. While not always explicitly singling out or targeting Muslim voices, the objective appears to be focused on Muslims. In countries like the US, UK, France and Germany, pre-existing sentiments of Islamophobia have gained new and bolder currency, with suppressions of free speech, press and the right to assemble and protest coming from both the public and private sectors. Selective outrage accompanies selective enforcement of laws and regulations under the guise of maintaining order, security and protecting allegedly unsafe communities. The net result is the chilling effect on Muslims being full and equal participants in the public sphere, restricting not only for what they profess and practice, but also for their mere presence in society.
This conference will explore the various restrictions placed on Muslims to suppress their voice and presence in the public sphere. It will examine both state policy, like the UK Gove Initiative on Extremism, censorship efforts in France and Germany, the CAA laws and prohibition of Muslim schools in India, as well actions taken by civil society, including “Doxxing” and social media bans based on content. Finally, this conference will assess potential prescriptives for Muslims to reclaim and reassert their civil rights and civil liberties in societies that claim such principles as cardinal values to liberal democracy.


Conference dates:

  • Saturday, 14 December 2024 (online only).
  • Sunday, 15 December, 2024 (online and in-person). 

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