Islamophobia Awards

The Islamophobia Awards are our not-so-annual fundraising gala event.  The event has run periodically from 2003, with the adage, “Sometimes, all you can do is laugh.”

IHRC invites the public to send in nominations for the ‘Islamophobe of the Year’ and based on a long list of nominations, opens voting to the general public some weeks in advance.  On the night, winners are announced.
The event aims to use satire to subvert racism and has hosted some cutting edge comedy from performers including Ahmed Ahmed, Aamer Rahman and Nabil Abdul Rashid.  Look out for when the next awards are by visiting the Events page.

ALERT: Attend the Islamophobia Awards!

Find out here how to nominate prominent Islamophobes for awards or even just to to book tickets for the fourth IHRC Islamophobia awards in December.