Islamophobia Awards 2005: Nominate On-Line!
It’s that time of year again!
The IHRC is alarmed at the Home Secretary’s new list of “unacceptable behaviour” which could lead to deportation and exclusion of foreign nationals.
The Islamic Human Rights Commission condemns yesterday’s Panorama programme, ‘A Question of Leadership’ as extremely Islamophobic and likely to incite hatred against Muslims.
The Islamic Human Rights Commission is sad to announce that there has been a huge upsurge in the number of Islamophobic incidents reported to it in the two weeks following the London bombings.
The findings of the report negate the view that Islamic faith schools are counterproductive in fostering a sense of citizenship and create segregation.
IHRC appalled by latest injustice against Babar Ahmad
IHRC appalled by latest injustice against Babar Ahmad
IHRC welcomes the release today of the eight men accused of the so called “ricin poison plot”.
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