Press Release: IHRC comments on ‘Terrorism and Community Relations’ Report
IHRC welcomes the Home Affairs Select Committee report on ‘Terrorism and Community Relations’. However, IHRC disappointed with certain findings of the Committee.
IHRC welcomes the Home Affairs Select Committee report on ‘Terrorism and Community Relations’. However, IHRC disappointed with certain findings of the Committee.
IHRC condemns in the strongest terms the dangerous comments made by Home Office minister Hazel Blears that Muslims should be ready to be disproportionately targeted by anti-terror laws.
With Home Secretary, Charles Clarke’s latest proposals on dealing with terror suspects drawing as much controversy as his predecessor’s ideas, IHRC examines whether Britain is crossing the line to becoming a police state.
IHRC is deeply worried but not surprised at the steady increase in racially motivated and religiously aggravated crimes, as reported in figures released by the Crown Prosecution Service today.
IHRC today condemned the lenient sentencing of the assailant of 22 year old Moroccan student, Yassir Abdelmouttalib
A report by Saied R. Ameli, Manzur Elahi, and Arzu Merali for the Islamic Human Rights Commission. Download from this page.
A staggering 80 per cent of respondents in a nationwide survey of British Muslims reported experiencing discrimination.
IHRC is deeply concerned that hateful Islamophobic comments allegedly made by Manchester superintendent will lead to further violence against Muslims.
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