IHRC UK EVENT: Book your tickets now for the Annual Islamophobia Awards, 26th June 2004
Tickets are selling fast so call up the office on 020 8904 4222 or download the booking form.
Tickets are selling fast so call up the office on 020 8904 4222 or download the booking form.
A quick guide to the latest articles, reports, events, campaigns and briefings on-line, as well as a selection of archived material.
Get your thinking caps on and start nominating your choices for the most prestigious awards a bigot can receive.
Briefing deals with flagrant human rights and international law violations incurred by bans in various European countries on Muslim women’s dress in state schools.
IHRC’s annual fundraiser and spoof awards ceremony will take place this year on 26th June 2004.
Donwload IHRC and LMC\’s leaflet outlining issues of recent police Islamophobia in the UK.
Protest the continued closure by police of the North London Central Mosque and police briutality against Muslims in the UK.
23 January 2004, outside New Scotland Yard, Broadway, London, SW1H OBG.
+44 208 904 4222
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