What’s new at www.ihrc.org?
This month’s highlights from the website.
In the first case of its kind, the Islamic Council of Victoria is suing the Catch the Fire Ministries for religious vilification in Australia.
Neither report nor Home Office response satisfactory
Take action to prevent the proposed bill banning hijab becoming law.
IHRC calls on UK police services and the media to stop the deadly spiral of demonisation caused by current arrests over alleged terrorism offences.
IHRC can report that Mauritian prisoner of faith, Cehl Meeah was released from custody today, a free man after almost three years incarceration on trumped up charges.
A quick guide to activism and resources for this Ramadan, for all campaigners.
IHRC notes with deep concern the findings of journalist Mark Daly after his undercover investigation of racism in the British police force.
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