Don’t Forget Muslim Victims in ‘Islam Week’
British Awareness Programme Is Not Enough To Change Anti-Muslim Hostility In The United Kingdom
British Awareness Programme Is Not Enough To Change Anti-Muslim Hostility In The United Kingdom
Two South African journalists, Nurah Tape and Iman Rappetti, moot the problems of Islamophobic stereotyping and gender discrimination for Muslim women in the media, and suggest ways forward. Prepared for IHRC to present at the NGO Forum at the Fourth World Conference Against Racism in
IHRC has issued information and campaigning packages aimed at tackling the tide of anti-Muslim Islamophobia following recent events in the USA.
IHRC is concerned tonight’s BBC UK Islam contribution ‘Islamophobia’ will not truly highlight the level and extent of the problem as faced by British Muslims.
IHRC report launched today, cites the rise in Islamophobia as a main cause of the disturbances in Oldham and Burnley in the last two months.
Muslim reporters contributing to BBC news pieces are being asked to
declare their affiliations under, what appears to be a new policy of
discrimination engineered by pro- Israeli MPs.
Britain’s worst riots for years have revealed the extent of discontent among ethnic minorities in the region.
In the wake of persistent pressure, the Home Office has contracted the University of Derby to undertake research on religious discrimination.
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