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Gul Aslan being taken to court 1998

Freedom is my Daughter’s Name

Hijab bans, torture and imprisonment without charge in the late 1990s in Turkey.  This article was originally written in 1997, when a soft coup had removed the democratically elected government.  Whilst some form of democracy has returned to Turkey, women are still barred from university and public positions if they wear the hijab. Gul Aslan, mentioned in this article, was released in 1999 after an IHRC campaign for her release. 

Briefing: ‘The Siege’

The Islamic Human Rights Commission is deeply concerned that yet another Hollywood movie depicting (practising) Muslims as terrorists is to be released in Britain this week.


The Criminal Justice (Conspiracy & Terrorism) Bill has become law. The laws will include wide-ranging powers to stop support and association with groups deemed to be ‘inflicting terror’ abroad.