
UKRAINE: War and Double Standards

This week we discuss the devastating war in Ukraine and the dangerous double standards we have seen from Western press and politicians. Go to these links for related information: Palestine as a Millennium Dome: Globalization, Exceptionalism, Americanism, Zionism and Palestinization of the World – click

A Guide to Opposing Apartheid and Zionism

The Whys and Hows of Challenging Apartheid and Zionism This is a resource page for activists and members of the public who want to understand the arguments against Israeli apartheid. The page provides articles and videos as well as links to other sites explaining the

IHRC Weekly Video – Community: Solution or Reaction?

How does our community respond to the issues that we are facing? This week we look at whether we are connecting the dots and creating overall solutions, rather than individual reaction.   Go to these links for more information: Event Report: Islamophobia Conference 2021: Working

Alert: Defend Muslim Girls Right to Education in Karnataka, India

Background In the state of Karnataka, Muslim girls have been banned from classes because they wear the headscarf. Many of these young students have been protesting outside their schools against the ban. Still, they have been subjected to various forms of intimidation from Hindu extremists,

IHRC Weekly Video: PROTEST: Citizenship Bill

  For further information, click the links below:   Jeremy Corbyn to address anti ‘Citizenship Bill’ protest this weekend – Click Here PROTEST: Citizenship Is A Right – Click Here Press release: New Immigration Bill is Xenophobe’s Charter – Click Here Tackling Islamophobia has never

Weekly Video: Islamophobia: Overwhelming Evidence

See below links for further information: Event Report: Islamophobia Conference 2021: Working with the Western(ised) Establishment: Yes, No, Maybe? – IHRC Environment of Hate: The New Normal for Muslims in the UK – IHRC Countering Islamophobia through the development of counter-narratives – IHRC Tackling Islamophobia

Journalism in the Time of Trojan Horse

  Arzu Merali reflects on Serial’s podcast series of the infamous affair that resulted in a societal sea change for the worse against Muslims [substitute alternate teaser here]. Let me start with this. Serial is excellent and everyone needs to listen to it, even if,