
Tackling Islamophobia in the Media

  These extracts from the IHRC project on mapping and analysing Islamophobia project (DHMIR) come from its 2013 and 2015 reports on the USA and UK respectively. They include recommendations from the 1966 Kerner Report from the USA. They were first reproduced here on 9 February 2022 in relation

Weekly Video: Apartheid State: Israel’s Bullying Environment

Go to these links for further information: Zionist organisations “enabling” Israeli apartheid – IHRC Event Report: Normalisation – Israel’s Strategy for Occupation – IHRC Apartheid Israel And The Political Zionist Claim For National Self- Determination – IHRC Mary Robinson Denies Equal Rights to Palestinians –

#KillTheBill: Nationality & Borders Bill is Racist

Tackling Islamophobia has never been more urgent – IHRC Report Launch: ‘Environment of Hate: The New Normal for Muslims in the UK’ – IHRC Press release: New Immigration Bill is Xenophobe’s Charter – IHRC CONCERNS OVER THE IMMIGRATION BILL 2013-14 – IHRC Press release: UK

20 Years Since Gitmo

With 11 January 2022 marking 20 years since the opening of Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp (Gitmo), We have a few announcements to share with you related to prisoners. Author Evening with Moazzam Begg Moazzam Begg was invited to speak at IHRC’s Author Evening about his book, Enemy Combatant. in 2011.

IHRC AT EU – Publication and Events

Latest event: Launch of report on RAN. Details here.  Watch the event here.   Much of IHRC’s work has a focus on EU states, including projects undertaken with the support of European bodies, as well as work undertaken independently. Our public events at EU bodies

Our Strategic Advocacy Aims

IHRC at EU is working towards the following outcomes vis-à-vis Islamophobia and racism in the short to medium term. • To promote public awareness of the stigmatization of Muslim communities and the potential and actual impact on society • To achieve and consolidate a critical