
New Citizens for Old: How Islamophobia makes Contemporary Germany

Listen to the podcast of the article or read the full text below.   As narratives of belonging get narrower and narrower, Arzu Merali argues that Germany provides both worrying precedents as well as ways to move beyond the arguments that to be a citizen

IHRC Weekly: Why Switzerland's Ban on Muslim Face Coverings is Islamophobic

Read more at: PRESS RELEASE – Europe: European anti face-veil ruling legalises discrimination against Muslims European Court of Human Rights judgment on French laws banning the niqab and burqa PRESS RELEASE – European Court hijab ruling cements Muslims’ second-class status PRESS RELEASE: Switzerland – Ban

Muslim Experiences of Hatred and Discrimination in Austria

A new volume in the DHMIR series. Publications date: April 2021. Digital download. This work looks at the experiences of hate and discrimination Muslims face in Austria. Through the use of surveys, the work explores how anti-Muslim hate is a day-to-day part of an Austrian

Working with the system – a way to tackle racism?

Arzu Merali and Saeed Khan talk to Muhsin Abbas on 20th Hour regarding ways to tackle Islamophobia – specifically, is it possible to tackle Islamophobia by working with governments and its institutions.

How much further will anti-Muslim policy go in the West?

What do the philosopher Rawls, neoliberalism and anti-Muslim hatred have to do with each other? Why should we care? Is Islamophobia being driven from the top-down or is it an organic phenomenon from below? Saeed Khan discusses his paper on Rawls and neo-liberalism and their

Why the USA? – Lockdown3 Blog #2

Some thoughts on the USA and its role in the world. Short and long reads, videos, news clips and audios. If you wan to support our work tackling gross human rights violations in different parts of the world, please visit for relevant books and titles, or the