
Commemorating Kristallnacht: The Night of Broken Glass

This month marks the 82nd anniversary of the Night of Broken Glass. This tragic event marked a turning point towards a more violent and repressive treatment of Jews leading finally to the Holocaust. We think that it is important to reflect on the events that

Event Report: Normalisation – Israel's Strategy for Occupation

IHRC hosted an online webinar to discuss Israel’s strategy for occupying Palestine in light of the recent normalisation of ties between the UAE and Israel, on Saturday, 12 September 2020. The full event is available to watch on YouTube and Facebook, with currently 1.3K views

Weekend listening and reading – On Political Islamophobia

As the US elections loom, we continue posting relevant conversations, articles and materials. LISTEN: Podcast – Hakimeh Saghaye-Biria on Political Islamophobia, inferiority complexes and neo-colonialism (approx. 50 mins) This week listen to Hakimeh Saghaye-Biria discuss the internalisation of Islamophobia.  Where has the inferiority complex that

PREMIERE: Talking About Islamophobia between Obama and Trump

Co-author of IHRC’s latest book into Islamophobia focusing on the USA, Saeed A. Khan joins IHRC to discuss the situation for Muslims and the wider justice issues in the USA. Buy the book here, currently on offer. This video premieres on 11 October 2020, 7pm

Terra Nullius/Nakba

The political and academic discourse on colonised countries is deliberately framed in such a way that it problematises the victim while exonerating and legitimising the villain. This has involved rewriting the historical record, a sine qua non of European colonialism, and for us to confront

September Updates

  We have a webinar event on Saturday 12 September in which we will discuss: NORMALISATION: Israel’s strategy for occupation Speakers: â€¢ Massoud Shadjareh â€¢ Mick Napier• Dr Marwa Osman• Stephen Sizer â€¢ Haim Bresheeth Time: 5:00 pm UKLive on Facebook and YouTube JOIN US IN OUR FREE EVENT Al-Shama’il Al-Muhammadiyya (415 Hadiths on the Beauty & Perfection of the

Reporting Muslims and Coronavirus. A complaint to the BBC

As Massoud Shadjareh recounted in his video of 7 August (see below), IHRC has written a complaint letter to the BBC regarding their coverage of the coronavirus crisis with regard to Muslims. A copy of the letter can be read under the video. Please take

Eid Mubarak – Video Message

IHRC would like to wish you all a very blessed Eid ul Adha. Eid Mubarak and don’t forget the oppressed in your prayers. May Allah swt liberate them. Ameen. Please find links to more information on the current and historic situation below.If you need more