Muslim Experiences of Hostility and Discrimination
Reports on the UK, France, USA and Canada
Reports on the UK, France, USA and Canada
IHRC has complained about the Jewish Chronicle’s reporting on this year’s Al-Quds Day virtual event. By email 14 July 2020 Mr. Pollard, Complaint re article on or around 27 May 2020 in The Jewish Chronicle, ‘Government lawyer joined rally featuring call for removal of Jews
Guests include Saeed A. Khan, co-author with Saied R. Ameli of ‘What’s Going on Here? Muslim Experiences of Islamophobia between Obama and Trump’ and Hakimeh Saghaye-Biria author of ‘Political Islamophobia at US Think Tanks: Battling the Power of Islamic Resistance’ both published by IHRC
Listen to Saeed A. Khan discuss the new IHRC publication from him and Saied R. Ameli, What’s Going on Here? Muslim experiences of Islamophobia in the USA between Obama and Trump on Radio Islam in South Africa on Monday 22 June 2020. The book is
IHRC’s follow up research on the experiences of Muslims in the USA was published in June 2020. To order visit the IHRC Bookshop & Gallery page here. For trade orders please email shop[AT]ihrc.org. This book is currently on offer. Get the paperback and PDF for
The disturbing rise of Hindutva supremacism in India has been mirrored by a corresponding growth of extremism in the Indian diaspora, particularly in the UK where the efforts of such groups are now feeding into public policy decisions, says Amrit Wilson. In the six weeks
The Covid-19 pandemic may have exposed the unpreparedness and weaknesses of the established political order but it has also underlined the ongoing failures of leadership in the Muslim community, especially its inability to think big and strategically, argues Sadek Hamid. Historically, pandemics have forced humans
Please find here, details of our live event, and more suggested reading. In order to discuss and contextualise current events in the USA, IHRC is holding a webinar The event will livestream at 6pm BST (more details below) on www.ihrc.tv, as well as on IHRC’s
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