
IHRC Annual Report 2019-20

As Ramadan approaches, we present a review of our year’s work. We would like to thank you for your support. We run on your donations, as the situation world-wide becomes ever more uncertain and fragile we humbly request that you spare some of your generous

Genocide Memorial Day (GMD) 2019 Event Report- Geneva

Genocide Memorial Day (GMD) is a day focused on remembering man’s inhumanity to man. The theme for #GMD2019 in Geneva was “Failures of International Institutions in preventing genocide in conflict: The Holocaust, Palestine and Bosnia Herzegovina.

The Long View out now: Home, heart and community

The latest issue of The Long View (volume 2, issue 1) is out now, entitled ‘Home, heart and community: reclaiming the minority space.’ You can download the PDF from here or click on the link below, or read it online here for free.  If you prefer a hard copy please

Brexit and the hierarchies of Europeanness

Despite what British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says, not all EU migrants in Brexit-Britain treat this country as if it is their own. Those that do are the already privileged and desirable, the bona fide migrants, the proper Europeans whose whiteness is never put into