
Bibliographical Discourse Analysis – with Professor Saied R. Ameli

Professor Ameli gave us his time to explain more about this groundbreaking work, published by IHRC. Professor Saied R. Ameli developed the Bibliographical Discourse Anlaysis project to map the representation of Islam and Muslims in academic discourse. The four volumes published can be bought as

Scottish Launch of Counter Islamophobia Kit

Organised by Scotland Against Criminalising Communities and IHRC. When: Thursday, 28 March 2019 from 19:30-21:30 Where: Renfield St Stephens Centre, 260 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4JP Speakers include: Arzu Merali (CIK Project, Islamic Human Rights Commission), Omar Afzal (Muslim Council of Scotland), and Professor Ian

Letter to the European Commission

To the European Commission – Directorate of JusticeVěra Jourová, Commissioner on Justice, Consumers and Gender EqualityTommaso Chiamparino, EU Cooridnator on combating anti-Muslim hatred 12 March 2019 Re: Annual Al-Quds Day, London, UKIt has been reported in The Daily Telegraph regarding Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC)