Theresa May to ban radical preachers and organisations from schools
Home Office is compiling a banned list of radical groups
Home Office is compiling a banned list of radical groups
IHRC condemns in the strongest possible terms the Tory Party’s relentless attack on Muslim values
Lee Jasper on Trevor Phillips’ recent documentary – ‘Things We Won’t Say About Race That Are True’
Open Letter to the Scottish Government on Prevent from Scotland Against Criminalising Communities. Supported by IHRC
Reports, briefings and transcripts detailing IHRC’s work on Islamophobia that spans over 15 years and info on the Insitutional Islamophobia Conference
I despise them because they love war and claim to love peace. They justify the West and its crimes and wear the mask of noble souls.
“Jews” as a category are still not a fully legitimate part of the nation and its identity. France remains the eldest daughter of the Roman Catholic Church
IHRC’s annual fundraising dinner and gala was held on 7 March 2015
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