
Imam Muhammad H. al-Asi – Critical Muslim Studies Lectures

The Qur’an has been translated into over a hundred languages, as well as 62 different variations of English translations. The change of tongue produces an altered understanding of the Qur’an with indirect translations of words or Western contextualisations of ayahs. Imam Asi’s lecture series in

UK Govt Is Shutting Down Our Mosques

Did you know that the government’s Charity Commission has “taken over” the Islamic Centre of England. They’ve done nothing illegal. There’s no evidence they’ve done anything wrong. And yet its not the first mosque the Charity Commission has done this to. It’s all a part

Author Evening with Hafsa Lodi and Mariah Idrissi: Modesty

Join us for an author evening with Hafsa Lodi, and guest speaker Mariah Idrissi, to discuss the book Modesty: A Fashion Paradox. This event will be chaired by Mariam Hakim (founder of Waw Stories). Purchase Modesty from the IHRC Bookshop. BOOK YOUR TICKETS TODAY! The

Remembering Victims of Aggression

We hope you are all well. Today is International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression. It is a United Nations observance held on 4 June every year. It was established on 19 August 1982. Initially focused on victims of the 1982 Lebanon War, its purpose expanded to “acknowledge the

Boycott Apartheid: Stop supporting the Zionist Apartheid Regime

  Summary We are asking on all supporters of human rights to get involved in the campaign to boycott Apartheid Israel. The boycott campaign waged by British activists against the apartheid in South Africa helped put pressure on the White Supremacist regime there, forcing them

Labour MP asked to apologise for request to remove Palestine flag

IHRC is demanding that a Labour MP apologise for asking it to remove Palestine flags from its shop front in north London. Barry Gardiner, the MP for Brent North, marched into the headquarters of IHRC in Wembley last week, demanding that the organisation remove Palestine