PRESS RELEASE: IHRC is not surprised at the Arson attack on a Mosque in London – We warned the police June 5, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Woolwich and the Muslim Response May 27, 2013 Assed Baig takes a critical look at the culture of condemnation.
Hate crimes and backlash? It’s still the structure, stupid. May 24, 2013 Arzu Merali argues that structural racism is the elephant in the room.
Boston Bombing, Islamophobia and Sudden Ignorance Syndrome May 19, 2013 Hatem Bazian looks at the Anti-Muslim discourse post- Boston
Book Launch: Unsettling Sikh and Muslim Conflict by Katy P. Sian May 13, 2013 Join us 26 June 2013 via at 6.45pm (GMT+1)