
What’s new at www.ihrc.org.uk?
In this edition we have a series of alerts outlining the human rights situations in Palestine, Pakistan, China, Yemen, Sudan, Bahrain, Nigeria, Sudan, UK, and the US.
What’s new at www.ihrc.org.uk?
In this edition we have a series of alerts outlining the human rights situations in Palestine, Pakistan, China, Yemen, Sudan, Bahrain, Nigeria, Sudan, UK, and the US.

Exclusive How MI5 blackmails British Muslims 21 May 2009
‘Work for us or we will say you are a terrorist’

Dutch Islamophobe fails to escape trial
The Dutch Supreme Court has rejected a request by far-right lawmaker Geert Wilders to cancel his pending trial for the spread of Islamophobia.

BRIEFING: Concerns regarding demonisation of Islam and Muslims by Community Security Trust publications
A review of some CST publications.

US rejoins UN’s human rights forum
Bush had shunned it as an ineffective dictator’s club. Obama’s team pledges to work from within to ‘improve’ it.
PRESS RELEASE: UK – IHRC expresses concern over time limit on innocent people’s DNA data
IHRC is deeply concerned at police plans to keep the DNA data of people cleared of offences and those never charged.
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