
Islamic Human Rights Commission Annual Report 2007

Chairman: “IHRC has continued to receive widespread recognition for its work this year and to end on a positive note, I am pleased to announce that in July 2007 Islamic Human Rights Commission received Special Consultative status with the United Nations.”

What’s New at

In this ‘What’s New’, an alert on the Channel 4 broadcast of the film ‘The Shooting of Thomas Hurndall’ and also a series of alerts outlining human rights issues in the US, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Libya.

What’s New at

In this \’What\’s New\’ a series of Alerts outlining recent human rights issues in Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Iraq, Slovakia. We also have an alert update on Al-Jazeerah cameraman in Guantanamo Bay and the new TV program by IHRC.

The British Media and Muslim Representation: The Ideology of Demonisation

Extracts from a study by the Islamic Human Rights Commission into the representation of Muslims in the media that reflect the intersection of ideas of Palestine and Muslims and Islam in the British media. These particular extracts look at the portrayal of Palestine in some Hollywood movies and suggest that the impact of these types of images and ideas are of huge significance in shaping public opinion against Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims.