Kashmir – Background Resources

Kashmir – Background Resources

Some short reading that overviews key issues regarding Kashmir, its struggles and the oppression faced by its people.

[updated 26 August 2019] To join the Campaign for Kashmir and find more detailed resources including videos and audios, visit the IHRC Campaign page. To find background and current videos and audio on Kashmir, visit the Kashmir Video & Audio page here.


Both the UK government and Labour must do more for Kashmiris – [External link] 7 August 2019 by Shaista Aziz.

Kashmir and Self-Determination: International Law as a Way Forward – An introduction to the situation in Kashmir, through a discussion of self-determination.

In 1947, Great Britain partitioned its South Asian colony India, into two new independent countries: ‘Hindu’ India and ‘Muslim’ Pakistan. The status of the colonies 565 princely states was impacted greatly as a result of this partition. These small states which previously had no allegiance to either dominion, following Viceroy Lord Mountbatten’s recommendation had to choose between these two new nations.

Half Widows in Kashmir – The figures for 2010/11 shows that there are more than 1500 women currently living a miserable life as their husbands are either disappeared or missing.

Speakers seek UN role for Kashmir settlement; 2011 – Speakers at a seminar have said that human rights violation in occupied Kashmir are on the rise due to impunity that the Indian troops enjoy under draconian Armed Forces Special Powers Act in the territory. The seminar on Rule of Law and administration of Justice was organized by Islamic Human Rights Commission UK on the side lines of the 22nd session of United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva.

India’s crackdown in Kashmir: is this the world’s first mass blinding? – [External link] A bloody summer of protest [2016] in Kashmir has been met with a ruthless response from Indian security forces, who fired hundreds of thousands of metal pellets into crowds of civilians, leaving hundreds blinded.

In India and Israel, the burden of protest falls on the victims of injustice – [External link] But Obama failed to acknowledge to his highly politicised audience the fact that the United States enabled, and often required, the “relentless tyranny of governments that deny their citizens dignity”

Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (external link)Read the extensive reports on enforced disappearances and background materials to the situation in Kashmir from this internationally recognised NGO run by parents of ‘disappeared’ persons.

Ocean of Tears, produced by Public Service Broadcasting Trust [external link] gives us a bizarre insight into the administrative, legal and judicial apathy these women are victim to. The gang-rapes and the killings, murders and forced disappearances are one side of the story.

Kashmir: Act before foreign forces land in Srinagar – [External Link] Dozens of people, mostly school-going young men and women, have succumbed to the bullets fired by the security forces directly into their chests.

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