GMD Podcast 2020: Haim Bresheeth – Genocide, Racism and Colonialism

GMD Podcast 2020: Haim Bresheeth – Genocide, Racism and Colonialism

Professor Haim Bresheeth’s presentation at the GMD UK 2019 event overviews his contention that colonialism was not possible without genocide and racism.

Details below the audio.

Keywords: genocide, colonialism, Holocaust, racism

Bresheeth, the son of two Nazi concentration camp victims, made a fascinating and unique contribution, beginning his speech by showing pictures of his father emaciated in a concentration camp. He addressed the links between genocide, colonialism and racism, explaining in detail that these three connections are very important to understand genocides.  He went through types of colonialism, highlighting the idea that there isn’t colonialism without violence with ethnic cleansing the last stage before genocide occurs. Bresheeth added that the British colonial system is probably the most murderous because it hasn’t killed people in one way but it has killed people in so many ways. He stated that the sons and daughters of Holocaust victims in the Israeli apparatus are perpetrating genocide against Palestinians, and that a genocide is planned by the Israeli government for the total decimation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine. 

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