New Campaign Resources: Fight the Hijab Ban

New Campaign Resources: Fight the Hijab Ban

Islamic Human Rights Commission

17th January 2004

New Campaign Resources: Fight the Hijab Ban

1. New webpage on Hijab Ban in France
2. New article on International Day of Protest
3. New campaign pack for Prisoner of Faith, Intisaar Saatcioglu, campaigner against Turkish Hijab ban

1. New webpage on Hijab Ban in France

The brilliant team at Innovative Minds ( have done it again.

Please visit:
or click on the link below

to find a comprehensive list of campaign resources, links and information on hijab bans in other countries, as well as read about:

Islamophobia in France
Jewish dad backs headscarf daughters
Muslim Girls Barred From Education
Muslim Women Not Allowed To Marry
Muslim Women Not Allowed To Enter Bank
Muslim Women Refused Passports
Muslim Women Denied Medical Treatment
Muslim Women Denied Employment
Muslim Women Barred From Being Jurors
Muslim Girls Barred From Sports
Deja Vous? Nazi Laws
Hijab in Germany
Hijab in Belgium
Hijab in Denmark
A Time To Act
Protest Against French Hijab Ban (11 Jan 2004)
Letter Writing Campaign
Picket Air France
Further Information
Comments or Reporting Hijab Discrimination

2. New article on International Day of Protest

“Never Again”?? … Maybe Just One More Time …”
17 January 2004
The French hijab ban – a mere violation of freedom of religion or the first step in a far more sinister policy? Fahad Ansari expresses his fears for the Muslims of Europe.

3. New campaign pack for Prisoner of Faith, Intisaar Saatcioglu, campaigner against Turkish Hijab ban

Intisaar Saatcioglu her two sisters, Nurilhak and Nurcihan and their mother Huda Kaya are well known campaigners against the hijab ban in Turkish universities and institutions. Please download the campaign pack for Intisaar Saatcioglu and read the latest in the attempts of the Turkish judiciary to silence these protests.

“And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of Allah and of the weak among the men and the women and the children, (of) those who say: Our Lord! Cause us to go forth from this town, whose people are oppressors, and give us from Thee a guardian and give us from Thee a helper.”

Holy Qur’an: Chapter 4, Verse 75

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