IHRC Bookshop & Gallery has a few announcements.

IHRC are proud sponsors of the Abbasid History Podcast. The next episode of the podcast will be on 7th November featuring guest, Dr. Laury Silvers, who will talk about her crime fiction quartet, ‘The Lover’, set in medieval Baghdad.
Tune in to the podcast for the discount code that will be revealed on the show.
Please send your questions via Facebook or Twitter before 2pm at the latest on the day.
Below are books that are available on our website:

France and the Hated Society: Muslim Experiences / S.R Ameli, A. Merali & E. Shahghasemi
The study considers how acts of hatred are encouraged and legitimised, including discriminatory legislation resulting in social inequality and negative media representation of Muslims.

British Secularism and Religion: Islam, Society and the StateÂ
Edited by Yahya Birt, Dilwar Hussain & Ataullah Siddiqui, this book provides an in-depth deliberation upon the now unsettled relationship between religion and politics in contemporary Britain, with some emphasis upon the case of Islam, which is now at the centre of the debate. Combining theological reflections and academic and policy perspectives, this topical collection includes contributions from Ted Cantle, Sunder Katwala, Maleiha Malik, Tariq Modood, Abdullah Sahin, Norman Solomon and Nick Spencer.

The Impossible State: Islam, Politics and Modernity’s Moral Predicament / Wael B. Hallaq
Comparing the legal, political, moral, and constitutional histories of premodern Islam and Euro-America, Wael Hallaq finds the adoption and practice of the modern state to be highly problematic for modern Muslims. The modern state not only suffers from serious legal, political, and constitutional issues, Hallaq argues, but also, by its very nature, fashions a subject inconsistent with what it means to be, or to live as, a Muslim. Providing Muslims with a path toward realizing the good life, Hallaq turns to the rich moral resources of Islamic history.
Yemen Appeal
IHRC are also raising funds for food distribution in Yemen. All our lives have been touched by the impact of COVID-19. So can you imagine what is happening to those already affected by the crises in Yemen?
To donate, please click on the following link:Â DONATEÂ