A letter to the Nigerian High Commissioner regarding the treatment of the Islamic Movement
I am writing to express my concerns over the treatment of members of the Islamic Movement headed by Sheikh Ibraheem El-Zakzaky by the Nigerian government.
I am writing to express my concerns over the treatment of members of the Islamic Movement headed by Sheikh Ibraheem El-Zakzaky by the Nigerian government.
We write to you to express our concerns about the death sentence handed to Mohamed Morsi and more than 100 others by an Egyptian court
Open Letter from Citizens International regarding the need for the European Powers to come to terms with their perfidious past
We have repeatedly highlighted the affront to civil liberties that the counter-terror legislation has legitimised over the last 15+ years
Letter to the OHCHR in response to the planned execution of Sheikh NimrBaqir al-Nimr in Saudi Arabia
In the wake of the shock Tory victory in the UK elections, Arzu Merali reflects on the problems of ‘British’ political culture in her letters to some of the winners and losers
In the wake of the shock Tory victory in the UK elections, Arzu Merali reflects on the problems of ‘British’ political culture in her letters to some of the winners and losers
Home Office intends to introduce worrying new measures
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